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SUBMISSION: Zebra by Merry Renert

Zebra © 2018 Merry Renert | All Rights Reserved

ENDANGERED: Fine Art & Photography Contest 2018 Submission.

I have always been fascinated with art in all its various forms - painting, sculpture, collage, photography, music and dance. My work arises out of nature and the movement found within it. The wind, the tides, the animals and the human element never static but always in flux. Using texture, collage acrylic mediums, or natural found elements I create pieces that appeal to the viewer's sense of life - constantly moving - never static. I’m influenced with the ongoing processes in nature - primarily wind and rain, and their effects on humans, animals and the abstractions of life itself. I often incorporate photography, fiber, found materials and hand colored papers to enhance my subject matter. I am always experimenting and trying new techniques, adding and subtracting, layering and simplifying to express the movement within.

Ultimately, my goal as an artist is to awaken the viewer to the constantly changing world around us.

More ENDANGERED: Art4Apes submission on | Instagram | Twitter | Website