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SUBMISSION: Giraffes by Bea Gustafson

Giraffes © 2018 Bea Gustafson | All Rights Reserved

ENDANGERED: Fine Art & Photography Contest 2018 Submission.

I want to tell the viewer a story and share my experience with them. In the translation from nature to canvas, I seek to discover nature's truth and give life to a painted image by understanding the rhythms and pulses behind the appearances and the best is the feeling of being an integral part of it all. I am most successful with a painting, if I can evoke an emotional response in the viewer.

The animals I paint all in oil are wild, extinct or slaughtered. I try to be their voice to help make a difference.

To open the eyes and stir the conscience of people: Bringing awareness to what is happening to the innocent. These animals have families and friends as we do they make close bonds with their young.

More ENDANGERED: Art4Apes submission on | Instagram | Twitter | Website