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FINE ART 3RD PRIZE: Fossil Tusk by Thomas Norpell

Announcing the Art Link International Prize for Fine Art in the ENDANGERED Art & Photography Contest 2016. Third Prize goes to Thomas Norpell for Fossil Tusk. All Rights Reserved.

To transform a contemporary object into a fossil is to put that object into a new context where we can’t help but perceive it differently. To look at one is to momentarily reside in the future as we look back into the present. Faux Fossils are a form of sculptural science fiction. In the sculpture submitted, Carved Tusk, a carved ivory tusk depicts an elephant train with trunks and tails entwined. Though ivory carvings are considered artful by some, others believe this fashioning of body parts into trinkets represents the ultimate trivialization of a majestic species.

Congratulations, Thomas. To see more of his work, please go to