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SUBMISSION: Angel of Grief by Robin Woodward-Entry

Angel of Grief. Oil and bronzing powder on canvas by Robin Woodward-Entry. All Rights Reserved. Man forcing animals to extinction through illegal hunting and poaching for vanity and profit. The angel of grief signifies the price humanity pays.

The inspiration for my work is drawn from my profound fascination with the beauty and mystery of the “visible” world. Coupling reality with a vibrant and vivid imagination, there are simply no limits. An artist does not paint the obvious. Consequently, one has the privilege of creating a world they wish to see, as opposed to the world as it is.

Art speaks its own language. Words seem insignificant. Color and texture give my paintings a surreal quality. Emotion and excitement are within the boundaries of the viewer’s imagination, as they interpret and interact with the canvas.

A painting that inspires gives the viewer a new perspective; a renewed thought on an old subject. Art is more powerful than we care to admit.

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