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SUBMISSION: Critical Condition by Dint of Urbanization and Habitat Fragmentation by Tai Taeoalii

Critical Condition by Dint of Urbanization and Habitat Fragmentation by Tai Taeoalii. All Rights Reserved. Fueled with inspiration from music and the nostalgic memories of my turbulent teenage years, I’ve tried to utilize my self-taught techniques, cultivated from urban doctrines, in an effort to create art that evokes an honest & hopefully profound emotional experience.

Growing up as a bi-racial child in Salt Lake City, Utah, in a predominantly white, suburban environment, I inadequately fabricated a self-perception of pariahdom.  Tormented with that angst and confusion at such a young age, I was fortunate to discover that the arts were a perfect way to express the frustrations of my cultural identity. Through my artistic explorations I realized my auto-didactic ability, which lead to experimentation with nearly every type of art-form, but none have captured and retained my affections as strongly as drawing with a ballpoint pen, so that has been my central focus for the past 8 years.