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SUBMISSION: Endangered Florida Panther by Maria Ryan

Endangered Florida Panther Acrylic on Fabrino paper by Maria Ryan. All Rights Reserved.

My painting tells the story of how the Florida Panther is being helped and possibly headed to extinction.

My illustrative painting depicts the story of the Florida Panther. Texas cougars were brought to Florida to hopefully increase the gene pool in 1994. I have illustrated in the painting; Southern Florida's forest and swamps which is their habitat, the Whitetail deer which is one of their food sources, and their kitten which they keep hidden in deep brush to protect them from predators. Across the middle of the painting is the highway (called "Alligator Alley") that crosses the southern end of Florida where many Florida Panthers have been killed accidently by motorists.

NOTE the Florida Panthers tracks get lighter as they move across the bottom of the painting representing how the Florida Panther may disappear into extinction.

For more of Maria's work, please go to

Entry to the ENDANGERED Art & Photography Contest 2016 To enter the ENDANGERED Art & Photography Contest go to… All entries support the Center for Great Apes