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SUBMISSION: Hunter Jacket : Asian Elephant by artist Rohan Chhabra

Hunter Jacket : Asian Elephant, third in a series by artist Rohan Chhabra, from India. Tweed, cotton canvas, sculpting foam. "The Hunter jackets can be worn or displayed as a trophy. There is a sense in which the hunter jacket empowers without guilt, but then it reminds us of the ultimate source of this potency- the act of slaying a living creature and transforming it into an object, a decorative accessory, a trophy.

Project Endangered aims to inform the issue of extinction of critically endangered species like the rhino, the tiger, and the elephant. This project takes a more psychological approach to inform the issue. Designing a series of hunting jackets that turn into representations of the animals under threat reminds us of our complicity in the problem. There is a sense in which the hunter jacket empowers without guilt, but then it reminds us of the ultimate source of this potency—the act of slaying a living creature and transforming it into a decorative object, an accessory, a trophy. Rather than condemning the hunter outright, these sculptural garments enable us to recognise the hunter in ourselves. The wearer can experience the symbiotic relationship of hunter and hunted. and perhaps acknowledge the absurdity of this “loop”. My aim is to create a disturbing experience that moves from aesthetics to moral reflection.

To see more photographs of this interesting work please look at Also take a look at this video