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SUBMISSION: Ours/Theirs - The Mountain Gorilla by Natalie Tyler

Mountain Gorilla skull, sculpted in wax and will be cast in crystal glass. The human skull is cast in Crystal and shows what the mountain gorilla skull will look like once it is cast. A Scientist and a Sculptor are working together to explore the interconnected health of human and animals. In Ours/Theirs: The Mountain Gorillas, they reveal the potentially fatal impact of airborne human viruses on mountain gorillas. The artist, whose sculpture investigates the vulnerability and the value of nature, was fascinated by the scientist’s research, while she was a Mountain Gorilla Doctor in Rwanda. In Ours/Theirs, the sculptor uses glass to reveal the potentially fatal impact of airborne human viruses on the critically endangered mountain gorillas. Through this collaboration they help us understand the health of everything is connected, and recognize that the future of all wildlife depends on whether or not we take are willing to take appropriate action. Images included are work in process photos. The installation will include a glass mountain gorilla skull, glass human skull and glass virus panel, and large-scale photos of the Mountain Gorilla's studied by the scientist.

Please see more of Natalie's work at