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Submission: Polar Dreams by Marilyn Peretti

The 2015 ENDANGERED Art & Photography Contest is now open! Our first entry is by Marilyn Peretti, Illinois and is entitled Polar Dreams. Acrylic on Canvas. Marilyn says " Being accustomed to using life studies or my own photographs, here I used my photograph taken at Chicago's Brookfield Zoo. This is 2-year old Hudson. I call this painting Polar Dreams, based on a poem I wrote about these endangered bears. The painting represents all those bears who are seriously threatened in the Arctic, showing their grace, beauty and strength.

I love painting nature subjects, and exhibit with the Nature Artists Guild at the Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL, DuPage Art League in Wheaton, IL, and other nearby venues here in the western suburbs of Chicago. In 2005 I was invited to exhibit my group of crane paintings at the International Crane Foundation, cranes also being endangered."

See more of Marilyn's wonderful work at