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SUBMISSION: Polluted Waters by Cindy Vanagas

Polluted Waters by Cindy Vanagas. All Rights Reserved. Oil spills, sewage, farm and industrial chemicals, and garbage all threaten our waterways. Massive oil spills such as the Exxon Valdez and Deepwater Horizon have killed thousands of fish, lobsters, shrimp, dolphins, seals, whales, otters and numerous other aquatic creatures. Large numbers of waterfowl have been killed; massive areas of wetlands, plant life and corral reefs destroyed.

More must be done to prevent such disasters.  The contamination of our rivers, streams, lakes, and groundwater must be stopped.  Pollution of water not only threatens all plant and animal life but adversely affects the future of our human species.  Water is one of our most precious resources and must be protected. My goal is to create art that brings attention to these issues and makes a difference.